Phone: 212.481.7770

Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation

Cardi & Edgar was founded on the belief that thorough and decisive litigation should and can be accessible to smaller businesses and individuals.

The attorneys at Cardi & Edgar have represented corporate clients in a range of general business disputes such as breach of contract, breach of joint venture agreements, trademark disputes, enforcement of non-compete agreements, defamation, tortious interference with contractual relations and tortious interference with economic opportunities amongst other claims.  We are especially well-positioned in experience and staffing to provide timely and practical legal advice to small businesses.

The attorneys at Cardi & Edgar have successfully represented individuals from a range of professions who have been the victims of unlawful layoffs, employment discrimination, wrongful terminations, retaliation for whistle-blowing and violations of various federal and state compensation statutes.  For those who choose to vindicate their employment claims in court, clients find the Firm’s attorneys singularly devoted to aggressive litigation.  In many instances, the Firm’s aggressive litigation tactics lead to favorable settlements.

Finally, Cardi & Edgar firmly believes that companies can avoid some of the perennial disputes giving rise to litigation if they ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations governing, among other issues, hiring, firing, workplace conditions, and compensation.  In many instances, companies can avoid litigation by promulgating appropriate policies and programs.  The Firm’s compliance counseling to corporate clients is enriched by its considerable litigation experience involving employment issues.

We marshal substantial experience in providing counsel in the many aspects of civil litigation including, but not limited to, the following areas:

• Wage disputes (i.e., violations of overtime and minimum wage compensation statutes)
• Employment discrimination
• Enforceability of non-compete agreements
• Breach of contract
• Tortious interference with contractual relations
• Tortious interference with prospective economic opportunities
• Trademark infringement
• ERISA litigation
• Defamation
• Retaliation for whistle-blowing

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